Watering Cans
When it comes to watering cans, at Burgon & Ball we firmly believe in the practicality of single-handed designs.
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24 products in Watering Cans
Ranging in size from our indoor watering can right up to our 5 litre Waterfall watering cans, our one-handed designs eliminate twisting of the back to grip two handles. The single graceful handle slides easily through the hand as gravity tips the can forward into the pouring position. The emptier it gets, the more it tips, making our watering cans extremely comfortable in use.
Our watering cans are made from galvanized steel for long life, and are packed with clever design details. The Waterfall watering cans have an oval shape to give knees a wide berth, and have a removable rose for fine or rapid watering, while the indoor cans have a tapered spout for precision watering.
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